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We offer a high quality range of Halam (Asalia) which is great demand in the national and international market. These are procured from certified vendors and are hygienically packed in order to ensure their freshness and aroma. We offer our range in various size packaging, to suit the customer requirements.
halam / haloon is useful on diarrhea, blood diseases and diseases due to gastric trouble.
internally, candrasura(halam/haloon seeds) is used with great benefit to alleviate the hiccup.the seeds (20 gm) are soaked in 250 ml. of water and the cold infusion isrecommended to sip frequently. this household remedy is very commonly used andis effective. this infusion also augments the quantity of urine, hence,mitigates dysuria. as a galactogogue and a general tonic it is often used inthe postpartum period. the medicated milk (ksirapaka) is prepared for thispurpose. it is a very potent galactogogue, a valuable tonic and is alsobeneficial to relieve the low back pain. it also works well, in male sexualdebility as it has good aphrodisiac property. candrasura is a keen stimulant todigestive system and its properties like an appetizer, vata alleviator, anti colic and stool binding are useful in the conditions loss of appetite,indigestion, flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea and dysentery. it is a bloodpurifier and also useful in gout. it relieves the mucous, and so is salutary in cough and asthma.
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Rudra AgroInternational
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